SI Joint Pain

Tri-States Chiropractic Health & Injury Care (563) 585-0800 5025 Wolff Road #101, Dubuque, IA 52002


this is Doctor lynch

with Tri States Chiropractic Health and Injury Care. Wanted to show you the SI joint here today. I see this quite a bit. Now

what is the SI joint? it’s part of the sacro ilium complex here in your hip or pelvis

and this joint right here is a gliding joint. So if that joint is not gliding

it can cause a lot of pain.

You might notice this at a labor job or a desk job. A lot of athletes can have these problems. What is it that we’re looking for here? If you’re bending over or twisting or doing your normal things

And you have a lot of pain just below the belt right here on the side

the side of the buttocks.

That could be a sign that there’s something wrong with your SI joint and it’s not functioning correctly. If you’ve been doing stretches

using heat different things like that and it’s not improving

chances are we could be of service. Here at Tri States Chiropractic

we’re going to do a thorough exam

see how this area is moving.

We call it subluxation

but if it’s not moving correctly

it’ll allow for a lot of pain or swelling to get in the area. And also potentially maybe irritate the nerve through there. at Tri States Chiropractic

we’re going to do some x rays. Get an idea of what it looks like through there. Do an exam

and then get you adjusted.

Now after that

we’re going to go ahead

and get you set up on a plan to get this area functioning better. as you start doing more dynamic things

I can be there to help that area heal during that progress. So our goal here is one to find it

get it moving

and then allow you to freedom to get back to your daily activities that you have not been enjoying.

And quite frankly

when people come in with this, it can be quite painful and they don’t know where to go. So in the last few weeks here

I’ve had few people with this problem that were seriously in some pain. And we’ve helped him quite a bit. So call to action now is just give us a call. You can look us up at our website

tri states chiropractic

or Facebook

or call this number

563 585 0800

Chrissy or Olivia.

They’ll get you scheduled and we’ll get your pain under control as soon as possible. Look forward to seeing you soon. Thanks.

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