Tri-States Chiropractic Health & Injury Care (563) 585-0800 5025 Wolff Road #101, Dubuque, IA 52002
📍 📍 Hi there, Dr. Lynch, Tri-State’s Chiropractic health and injury care. wanted to touch base on one more thing that I see commonly here in the office, which is headaches. They can be either migraine headaches, sinus headaches, or even just your general tension headache. they can be caused from poor posture, a trauma.
Again, the sinus In the air pollen, things like that. So what I do here is we do an exam consultation, X-ray, we get to the bottom of the problem from a biomechanical standpoint. is the bone shifted? These are things we commonly do daily. Now, in the meantime, if you are, looking for some simple relief at home, I like to do some stretching.
Now you can take your hands, find the clavicle, go down about two inches, and really hold here and lift your head. You’re anchoring your fingers. To the ribs, holding the ribs in place and stretching upward. Do that for 30 or 40 seconds. That can stretch the muscles that attach to the front of the neck.
Another stretch you can do is just kind of grab the base of your skull, really tuck your chin and kind of lift. Lift up. The base of the skull, that can be very beneficial for stretching the back of the neck again if the water and the stretching doesn’t seem to be helping.
that’s a good time to call our office. We can set up your appointment here today, 5 6 3 5 8 5 0 800. Talk to our girls out front, then get you scheduled generally the same day to get this problem under control. Thanks.
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